Monday, July 20, 2009

Brisbane Conversations - B150 event at Brisbane Square Library

BCC has asked me to compere a 'Brisbane Conversations' session at the Brisbane Square Library community meeting room on Monday 10th August from 10:00 am to 11:30.

It will be a wonderfully eclectic mix of stories, songs, poems, raps and historical information as part of BCC Libraries Services B150 contributions. Expect subjects as diverse as Jacarandas, 'Brisbane Lovely Brisbane', Brisbane Utopian dreamers of the 1890's, maybe the Ship Inn Hotel, Newstead House, an elephant escape and much more.

It's free but you do have to book Ring 3403 4166 to reserve a place. If you would like a 5 minute spot to tell a story, sing a song or read a poem about Brisbane and the 150 celebration let me know.

You can download the PDF of the leaflet at Please pass this link on to anyone you think may be interested.

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